



Find your typographics soulmate

Find your typographics soulmate

An idea presented by the brand team inspired by the classic show "Love Connection", we used the Monotype font pairing engine to power this 2 player quiz that helps you determine how font compatible are you with your partner.

So what did we do?

For Adobe Max 2023, we created a little game where 2 people took turns to answer a few questions and select a typeface that matches their answers. Then their partners would take a turn to answer.

The questions aimed to get a sense of the user's personality and match them to the fonts that seem to mostly resonate with them.

The interface itself was a demonstration of great font pairing. I combined Helvetica Now MT with La Luxes script to show the harmony of how great type can work together.

And fonts don't lie. Those who had no one to play with, paired up with total strangers to make new friends. To make new connections.